
Published May 1, 2020 1 AM

“BOO!” cried the inarticulate figure, it was lanky and quite a bit of acne. The chains wrapped around its legs clanked viciously, aggressively, as if they had a mind of their own. The figure itself was covered in dark shrouds, it stared at the child curiously, why hadn’t the little creature gotten scared? The figure was quickly realizing that as the child grew to his teenage years, the ghost wasn’t able to scare him as effectively. Sometimes, to the ghost’s woe, the child even forgot that the ghost was there. It was still fine, the ghost was almost 300 years old and the child was merely 13. The ghosts knew some tricks yet.

As the child was coming to bed, he realized the presence in his closet, it was one that was there since he was quite young, he thought of the ghost almost fondly. As the ghost cried out “BOO,” the child did not even flinch, remembering back to last year, when this interaction would have made him piss his bed. The ghost must have been disappointed, the child was sure.

The ghost was aware that being in the child’s closet would have been too easy, and that the child would see through it, so the ghost hid underneath the child’s bed, he knew he could scare the child, the child was not old enough to ignore him yet. The ghost clanked his chain and jumped up, the child wasn’t looking in the ghost’s direction. The ghost took the mattress cover and bounced it up once and brought it back down. The child screamed.

“OH MY GOD!” The child was quite surprised by the sudden bucking by his bed, he saw the ghost on the other side, he was quite confused. If the ghost was next to his bed, then what was in the closet. After seeing the smug expression on the ghost’s face, he looked back angrily and pointed at the closet. “What is in there?”

The ghost was confused, there couldn’t have been anything in the closet, he had checked there himself, as he grew more and more nervous, he walked towards the closet slowly. The ghost suddenly jumped and threw open the closet door. “BOO!” The halloween toy yelled out. The ghost jumped back, “OOOOOH AHHHHHH!” The ghost moaned, did the child just scare him? The ghost looked back at the child, who now wore the same smug grin that he had not moments before. The ghost knew how to get him back.

The child was ecstatic, he had finally thwarted the ghost that had been “scaring” him since he was a little child. The child lay back down, he was a little bit apprehensive to be falling asleep at this time. He knew that his night terrors would claim him, and the nightmares were much stronger and scarier than this measly ghost.

The ghost waited until the child started to drift off to sleep, and materialized in the bed, when the child woke up, he would be so scared, thought the ghost deviously. The ghost started to drift off too, a little sleep hurt no one.

The child groaned, it was happening again, as the sleep demon sat in front of the child, it held him down, it started to crush, the child flailed rapidly, scared. Suddenly the child heard a massive shriek as his foot connected with something cold, unnaturally cold.

“AHHHHH,” screamed the ghost as the child’s foot connected with his back, “WHAT THE HELL!” The ghost was quite confused, one second, he was on the bed, now… he was laying on the floor. The child peered over him, he knew that the child had no idea what had just happened, but it felt like the ghost’s hip was broken again. The goddamn kid kicks like a mule, thought the ghost, as the child started to drift off again. The ghost slowly, gingerly, got back into bed, he knew that the child still thought it was a nightmare.

The child started to drift off when the air around him, within his dream, turned to water. Everything was water and the child was drowning, he tried to swim, to take a breath, nothing. He didn’t even notice the muffled screaming start somewhere under him.

“MMMMMHHHFFF – MNNNGGGH – MHFFF-AHH GET OFF ME!” The ghost started screaming, muffled, as the child rolled over him in his sleep, they had effectively switched sides, and the ghost was more confused than hurt. What the actual hell is going on? Thought the ghost, was the child doing it on purpose? No… No, his eyes were still closed. The ghost was willing to go back to sleep to wait out the night again

The drowning started again, this time, the child could see the light, as he strove to get it, he shifted to the left and suddenly felt a small bump under him, it was probably nothing, the child thought, frantically swimming.

“MMMMMFFFFFFGHHHHH – AH, I’ve had enough!” The ghost screamed, as the child fixed his own position by steamrolling the ghost over again. “I’m leaving!” The ghost yelled, the child was unscarable, and the situation was worthless, as the ghost tried to get off the bed, he realized that his hand was still under the child, How could I possibly extricate myself from this situation? Thought the ghost, and then he remembered with hysterical laughter… HE WAS A GHOST!

Comments: (1)

J.K. Rowling

Love this concept! 'Twas a fun read :)