Dancing Trilogy (Part Three)

Published May 10, 2020 5 PM

Dancing with Death until Dawn

Take me somewhere only we belong 

Where only we fit in 

Take me to the crevices of your heart

And let me build a home

Where only we will dance 

In the thunder of the rain pouring amongst us

Trying to wash away our sins and encapsulate our scars

Futile precautions intertwining our souls

Binding us against our blood sweat and tears

Yet we remain gay and drunk

Filling a void we never knew existed in the first place

We are each other’s love and demise 

Each other’s despair and joy

Our feet splashing against the cold hard ground

Carefully making sure our flames remain healthy and well

To guide the others home

We dance into the colors only to meet him and have him laugh at us

Asking why we have foolishly come before our time

And we will smile 

Welcoming the darkness 

The oppression 

The faith we have so gravely chosen

With open arms

And we will continue to dance across the bridge and into the darkness 

As we have found ourselves

At the edge of death

At the crack of dawn


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